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Grocery Store Jagoffs

The Ultimate in Laziness Jagoffery


This picture came to us from Daygon, Ohio with the following tweet:

new definition of lazy…jagoff in Dayton

We have had a few posts about misplaced grocery cart jagoffery due to laziness.  But this really does take laziness to another level.  How many items fit in this basket?  And, after you check out, unless they’re pop can cube cartons that weigh a ton and that you’re supposed to somehow pick up with your two fingers in those little pre-cut finger holes,  aren’t those items placed in bags??

Does one really need to take the basket of goodies all the way to the car?  (Maybe the shopper was Little Red Riding Hood and she was snatched by the big bad Coupon-seeking wolf.)

Isn’t there an old nursery rhyme about this?

A-tisket a-tasket
A grocery store basket
I wrote a letter to my love
And on the way I dropped it,
I dropped it,
I dropped it,
And on the way I dropped it.
So then I just put my basket down in the mulch because I had dropped the letter which meant there was no need for the other items I bought to mail it like stamps, an envelope and a special ink pen but then when I got home, just like the grocery lists that I make and can’t find once I actually get to the store, I realized I had put it in my pocket.

(I think that’s how it goes. If not, it’s pretty damned close… especially the part of never being able to find the little scrap paper of grocery store notes that I had made before the trip but then find AFTER I get back home.)

In any event.  The grocery stores have to pay people to walk around the hot/cold parking lots rounding up carts and now they have to round up baskets?  Why don’t you do like the normal people do… after it’s empty, slide that basket underneath the odd nook of the register counter and give it a little kick to get it out of the way, Ya Jagoff!


Special thanks to @BKeough for being our Honorary Jagoff Catcher for today.


Yesterday on Facebook we did a caption contest for the photo below.

The person with the most LIKES by midnight would win a prize.


We had 3 entries with 5 LIKES.

  • Sherry Laffsforlife For sale: Newly renovated , open concept bathroom. Well ventilated.
    Unlike · Reply · 5 · 
  • Scott Holden “You know your a RED NECK if this was your shelter at the school bus stop.”
    Unlike · Reply · 5 · 
  • Bob Gerlach Due to a rampant outbreak of toilet incidents, Taco Bell rethinks their decision to add breakfast to their menu.
    Unlike · Reply · 5 · 
    Since there was a 3-way tie, we put the names into our STANKY old Penguins ball cap, swished them around and pulled out the name of a winner which was:
    Scott Holden
    Scott, email us at YaJagoff (at) comcast (dot) net, Subject line Outhouse to claim your prize.




  • SinBinKreations
  • dryer vent Wizard
