Remember those boxes that you had to make to collect your grade school Valentine’s Day cards? Remember how you went home and looked through them as soon as you got home, just to see if you got one from everyone YOU gave one to or, on whom you should hold a grudge on until next year? Or remember the extra legs that you had to draw on some of the letters, just to make it look like your words were written all on the same baseline?
If you were the kid that made your own box… covering it with paper, scotch tape, drawing on it with marker, but then crayon too because you didn’t have the color marker that you needed to finish so you “mixed the mediums,” then stuck pretty much anything you could to it, including a crinkled napkin and belly-button lint, just to cover up the paper seams or the coloring mistakes….you were sooooooooooo proud of your box…..until you got to school.
But once you got to school there were some kids who had boxes that looked like they were designed by the the Macy’s Day Parade float designers! You because you knew that their parents had made them… not helped them… made them.
I hope you enjoyed your parents doing your Valentine Boxes.
Meantime…Happy Valentine’s Day, Ya Jagoffs!!
Thanks to Anna Mac of Mary Mac Bakehouse for the excellent Photo Shop skills!