The Official Pittsburghese Dictionary
There is a dictionary, there is Google, and then there is the Ya Jagoff Guide to Pittsburghese. Yep, our own language, sorta.
- Abaht | About
- Aht | Out
- Buggy | Grocery Cart
- Chipped Ham | Thinly shaved ham
- Cole | Cool
- Cooshin | Cushion
- Court | Quart
- Crick | Creek
- Cubberd | Cupboard
- Cupny | Visitors at you haus
- Cuzint | Kid 0f your aunt or uncle
- Cauch | Couch
- Cryyinz | Crayons
- Dahntahn | Downtown
- Dahnair | Down there
- Dishizz | Dishes (Submitted by Joe Betz, Westmoreland County)
- Dubbya | W
- Worshwrag| Wash cloth
- Fahr | Fire
- Football or Baseball Filled | Field
- Flahr | Flower
- Fridge | Refridgerator
- Git | Get
- Grauge | Garage
- Gumband | Rubber bands
- Haus | House
- Haulladay | Holiday
- Heinzes| The only kind of acceptable Ketchup
- Hoagie | Grinder, Sub, Submarine sandwich
- Howzabaht | How about
- Howzcome | How come?
- A Hunnert | one-hunderd
- Ahrn City Beer | Iron City beer
- Innernet | Internet
- Jagoff | Jerk or term of endearment between Pittsburghers
- Jaggerbush | Thorn bush
- Jaggers | Thorns
- JeetJet? | Did you eat yet?
- Jimmies | Sprinkles that go on ice cream or cake
- Jumbo | Bologna
- Keller | Color
- Ketch | Catch
- Lightning Bugs | Fire flies
- Maahntins | Mountains… or hills because we don’t really have mountains in Western PA
- Mahs | Mouse
- Maul | Shopping Mall
- Meer| Mirror
- Mill | Meal
- Mowl | Mile
- Mowls | Miles
- Mum | Mom
- Mundee, Tuesdee, Wensdee, Thursdee, Frydee, Sadurdee, Sundee | Days of the week
- Munroeville | Monroeville
- N’at | And that
- Nebby | A nosey individual
- Slippy | Slippery
- Have more? Submit your Pittsburghese word here!