Yep.. it looks like Twitter has blocked the searching of the hashtags #jagoff and #jagoffs! Are you kidding us?
Truth be told, sometimes the stories of jagoffery activities are scarce. It’s not every day that we find a dumb criminal, bad politicians, a #PeterParkers pic or someone doing something ig’nernt in public. So, the YaJagoff Newsroom has to search for potential stories.. by using hashtags!!!!! Lots of times the #jagoff and #jagoffs hashtags are full of political b$# s@$% and sometimes, during the NFL season, we catch a #jagoff tag used in conjunction from the Jax Jags football team. But, that’s like catching minnows in the salmon net. Ya throw those back as you sift for what you want. But.. not now!
Do they not know that Pittsburgh and Western PA’ers use those in our regular discussions? Do they not know that these words can also be used as a term/phrase of endearment? Give us our hashtag back… Ya Jagoffs!