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Tantalizing Tuna Patties: A Flavorful Twist on a Classic Dish

If you’re in the mood for a scrumptious seafood delight, look no further than these Tuna Patties from our friends at Packed with protein and bursting with flavor, these patties are an ideal addition to your culinary repertoire. Let’s dive right into the kitchen and create this mouthwatering dish!


  • 2 cans of tuna in water, drained
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup of dry oats
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp minced garlic
  • 1 tsp dried minced onion
  • 1 tbsp Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 4 cherry tomatoes
  • 4-6 Arugula leaves
  • 1 tbsp shredded cheese per patty (your choice)


1. Tuna Mingle:

  • Begin by adding the two drained cans of tuna into a mixing bowl. Using a fork, shred the tuna until it achieves a consistently shredded texture. Once the tuna is shredded, introduce the two large eggs, 1/4 tsp of black pepper, 1/2 tsp of minced garlic, 1 tsp of dried minced onion, and the flavorful 1 tbsp of Italian seasoning. This aromatic blend will be the heart and soul of your tuna patties.

2. Oat Oasis:

  • In a separate bowl, take 1/2 cup of hot water and combine it with the dry oats. Stir the mixture until the oats become soft and absorb the liquid. Once the oats are soft and ready, add them to the mixing bowl with the other ingredients. This addition will provide a delightful texture to your patties.

3. Mix and Fry:

  • Now, blend all the ingredients together until you achieve a consistent-looking batter. It’s time to transform this delectable batter into tantalizing patties. In a pan, add a light coat of olive oil and spoon the batter into the pan, similar to how you would prepare pancakes. Cook each side until they turn beautifully crispy.
  • For an extra layer of indulgence, sprinkle 1 tbsp of your favorite shredded cheese onto each patty about 1 minute before you remove them from the pan. Allow the cheese to melt and create a mouthwatering cheesy crust.

4. Plate Perfection:

  • Transfer the patties to a plate once the cheese has melted to perfection. Now, let’s add some freshness to the dish! Top each patty with halved cherry tomatoes and a handful of vibrant arugula leaves. This burst of color and freshness complements the savory goodness of the tuna patties.

5. Serve and Savor:

  • Your Tuna Patties are ready to be enjoyed. These crispy, flavorful patties with their cheesy topping and fresh accompaniments, are a true culinary delight. Serve them as an appetizer, a light lunch, or a flavorful dinner option.

These Tuna Patties are a testament to how simple ingredients can be transformed into a gourmet experience. They are not only delicious but also a great source of protein and fiber, making them a wholesome choice for any meal. So, gather your ingredients, fire up the stove, and let the culinary adventure begin. Your taste buds will thank you for it!

  • SinBinKreations
  • dryer vent Wizard