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Jagoff or Genius?

It is not a gameshow just yet, but we just may be on to something!

Whether you have the MX75 version of the best home shop vac system with the premier vacuuming add-ons, or you hit the newest, most full service car care establishment, there is always that stubborn fuzz.

From the McDonald’s french fry lodged in the car seat, to the dog hair stuck to the upholstery, getting all of the car crumbs is a lost cause and almost impossible to suck up. So, why not put that rumba to good use?

A few recommendations: be sure there is a flat surface to let your rumba do its thing. Stay near it so that it doesn’t fall out of the back hatch. Most importantly, dump the debris out frequently so it is ready to repeat. After all, we know you won’t stop eating your Mickey D’s in the car, ya jagoff!

  • SinBinKreations
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