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Cornhole for the Red, White & Blue

Can ya just hear Toby Keith singing in the background? Ok, maybe that is not what we are going for!

The bottom line is that Rach’s sons and some other hard working, dedicated, ball hockey young men are headed to the Czech Republic to play in a world ball hockey tournament. Yep, they will be versing Switzerland, Great Britain, Slovakia and more. So some yinzer families are hosting some yinzer events to offset the costs.  If ya laughed at Linden Grove, you are gonna get a HOLE experience at cornhole…too much?

If cornhole isn’t your bag (oh boy), there are some amazing baskets, including some jag swag.  See ya aht the 28 Bar & Grill, Gamma Drive, today, ya jagoff!

  • SinBinKreations
  • dryer vent Wizard


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