Summary: The jags gathered all of the VIPs, Mac, the Parade Chairman, Mayor Ed Gainey, annual regulars Rich Fitzgerald, County Executive and County Controller Corey O’Connor, their favorite leprechaun, Peggy Harkins and special guest Jerad Bachar, CEO of Visit Pittsburgh!
#YaJagoffPodcast: The Annual Tradition of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Continues
March 13, 2023
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Parade day tradition?
(:47) Mac the Parade Chairman
Mac has been a staple with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade for 20+ years. He started off as a chief marshal and is now the chairman. The super cute sheep didn’t have to walk this year and a new reviewing stand was added. The St. Paddy’s Day Parade doesn’t rely on public funding but year-round they do have incredible sponsors that help make one of the biggest parades in the country happen right here in Pittsburgh. Get more info at and

(6:23) Jerad Bachar – Chief Executive Officer with VisitPITTSBURGH
Jerad’s one of our favorite quarterly guests and he stops in to talk about Pittsburgh’s high rankings like our 3 museums being some of the best in the country and Picklesburgh. Right now, that festival is ranked the #1 best food festival in the country! Jerad talks about the upcoming Visit Pittsburgh announcement; CBX…the craft beverage experience that will be coming to the Burgh the last week of March. for more information and as always, follow on social media: Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest: VisitPittsburgh Twitter: vstpgh
(15:55) Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald & Allegheny County Controller Corey O’Connor
Both talk about one of the best Pittsburgh traditions; the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. They run us through their parade day routines and what they’ve learned and continue to learn through the years of holding office., Twitter: AC_Controller

(23:12) St. Patrick
He’s played the role since 2019 but has been in the parade for 44 years. He talks about the Irish community and welcomes any and all adding “who doesn’t love a parade!”
(25:48) Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey
The Mayor makes his Ya Jagoff Podcast debut! Mayor Gainey talks about making Pittsburgh one of the best cities in America. His office continues to “build, build, build and life is about what you build, that’s just growth.” He talks about not being able to change things overnight but trying to create systems and structures that will be around for a long time.

(29:11) Peggy Harkins and Sean
Peggy and her grandson Sean have been part of the St. Patrick’s Day parade for over 30 years. She’s legendary and we love her.