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If you could send anything to the moon what would it be?
4:34 Sam Moore
Executive director of the new Moonshot Museum, Sam Moore shares the behind the scenes of the museums progress so far. As no stranger to museum work, he’s over the moon about being a part of Pennsylvania’s first space museum. Have an interest in space exploration? Moonshot will be the first museum in the world that’s focus is career readiness, thanks to Astrobotic. Plus, if you’re in ‘tahn,’ check out the grand opening celebration on Oct. 15 at’s going to be an ‘exploding’ grand time!

19:44 James Santelli
As communications manager of the Allegheny Regional Asset District, James Santelli tells us all about the wonders of RAD. One percent of Allegheny county’s seven percent sales tax goes towards funding organizations in the area. From zoos and parks to museums and concerts, RAD gives back to the community. Pittsburgh’s ever-so growing cultural and artistic nature makes it easy for RAD to fund over 100 different ‘assets’ for all of Pittsburgh to enjoy.
36:13 Ben Oaks
Cerebral Overload’s Ben Oaks talks tech and the terrific advancements that have been made possible right here in Pittsburgh. Cerebral Overload covers all-things tech: reviews of podcast equipment, videogames, and even electric toilets. Moonshot museum is one of many otherworldly sites in Pittsburgh, according to Ben, and he’s over the moon that something built at Astrobotic in real time, will be on the moon itself. Find out what other cool tech things are coming out of Pittsburgh (well, Erie at least!)

43:5O Paging Doctor Moon
Pittsburgh native Kirsten Heibert fell from the stars this week as she saved the podcast’s music, quite fittingly. Her music career has taken her to Las Vegas and New York, and she nearly performed alongside Britney Spears. Though always having a passion for music and songwriting, her alter ego, Paging Doctor Moon, didn’t surface until after a breakup. Her heartfelt songwriting is brought to life by her band members and expect another album coming out very soon!
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