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Who is Dumb Enough to Steal Lottery Tickets?

Stolen Lottery Tickets

How many dumb criminals can we post on this blog?  Especially, ALLEGED criminals that try to hijack the PA Lottery system.  Do these people NOT know that there’s about 76 layers of security on those things?  Do they not know that there are video cameras in just about every corner of the world let alone, inside a retail lottery location???

Excerpt from TribLive:

A Mt. Pleasant Township woman is accused of taking $100,000 worth of instant lottery tickets from a South Greensburg pizza shop where she worked, according to court papers.

Hey _____, do you not remember the childhood rules… when all of the Oreos are gone from the cookie jar, it’s easy to tell who took the Oreos because of the crumbs on your fingers, your face and the chocolate stuck on your teeth. The trail is pretty easy, YaJagoff!

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