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Driving Jagoffs

This Truck Driver TRYING To Turn Around


Not sure how many of you know that truck-driving song, “Give me 40-acres and I’ll turn this thing around…..” but this guy looks like he needs 89 acres!!  This is the message that came with the photo from the Bridgeville area:

@YaJagoff here’s a jag off for you- backing out of the Knight’s Inn in Bridgeville. Left huge ruts.

So this guy woke up from a restful sleep in the all too comfy Knight’s Inn which, I think, is just a step down from staying overnight in a dumpster, and tries to head out of town.   Does he look for a way to use his Rosedale Technical Institute, 400-level course on performing under pressure?  Nope!  He needs out in a hurry so just backs the thing over the curb, grass, trees, whatever… ruins the grass and heads on down the road…. no NAME … no BLAME!!!

But wait.. are we too quick to judge?  Is it possible that he was delivering trees?  Is it possible that, in this picture he was trying to camouflage his truck and forget it was SLIGHTLY longer than a Smart Carl?  Should he get a merit award for being able to back up and completely block oncoming traffic?

Nope.. not quick too judge.  Our Jagoff Catcher watched it all go down.. ..she OBVIOUSLY had nothing else to do until while the tractor and trailer were perpendicular to traffic!

Hey semi-guy, let’s give you the CB handle of “Sod Buster.”  And Sod Buster, we’ve always been told that there is always a truck driver that graduates last in their truck driving class…. but they all get the same driver’s license!  We’re guessing you are the one in YOUR class.

We suggest you park the truck and start looking at delivering used cars acrossthe country.. ESPECIALLY SMART CARS!

In the meantime, thanks for the new terrace farming site in Bridgeville Ya Jagoff!


Thanks @DLDietrich from Twitter for being our Honorary Jagoff Catcher today!!!


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