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Souvenir Puck Drop Jagoffery

Pittsburgh Jagoff Blog

The anxiety over the Steelers loss and the Pens having a coupla rough games is getting to some people more than others. The pic, as reported by local CBS affiliate KDKA-TV ALLEGEDLY shows one fan arguing with another fan about whose kid/grandkid gets a souvenir puck.

Did the kid that tried to get the puck originally deserve the puck or did the grandkid whose uniformed grandfather grabbed the puck at the last minute for his grandkid deserve the puck?  The surrounding fans and their smartphone videos certainly weighed in. They booed the grumpy grandpap.  See video on KDKA TV YouTube.

The good news is, the Penguin’s front office knows how to fix things like this and both kids… because they know it’s about the kids…and there are 2 sides to every story…ended up with a souvenir puck.

The bad news is, one of the kids’ grandpap’s is no on the internet looking kinda grumpy.  Pap..woulda loved for your gandkid to have a fun story as to how pap caught the puck… but.. not that way!

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