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As you can see from the initial comment by the person who posted the pic on Instagram, we had to help with the name-calling part.  Just like Mark Cuban did at a local political rally last week.

Now what do you think makes #PeterParkers park like this? Ignorance? Apathy? Lack of attention to detail while chatting on a phone when exiting one’s vehicle?  Hard to read the mind of someone who probably also sleeps with their feet over the imaginary center line of an ultra king-sized bed!

It’s been a while since we used this song but, it’s sooooo fitting!  Here we go!

Now a red solo truck is the best receptacle
For barbecues, tailgates, fairs and festivals
And you, sir, do not have a pair of testicles
If you prefer parking like a Jagoff!

A red solo truck can be cheap and disposable
And when parking like this can be made blog-composable
And unlike my home, it’s not foreclosable
Unless you prefer parking like a Jagoff!

Red solo truck, you cannot park!
Let’s try some parking, let’s try some parking!
I love you red solo truck, I lift wrote you up
Proceed to parking, proceed to parking.

Now I really love cuz you’re easy to make fun of
We call these Peter Parkers, which now you are one of
Cuz when ya park in lots like that
Well, that my friend, makes me quite lucky.

But I have to admit the ladies get smitten
Admiring how sharply my blog name is written
About you when the truck isn’t fittin’
into the parking lines, Ya Jagoff!!!

Everybody sing….

Red solo cup, I fill you up
Let’s have a party, let’s have a party
I love you red solo cup, I lift you up
Proceed to party, proceed to party

That song is now stuck in your head!!!! You’re welcome!!

Learn how to park, YaJagoff!!!!!

Thanks to @kerrygorgone and @pmswish for being our Honorary Jagoff Catchers!

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