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Search results for "#PeterParkers"

Hmmmm… isn’t that the best title? What is someone thinking when the pull in.. GET OUT OF THEIR CAR.. and see the angle at...

After everyone Forgotta Regatta, rumor started circulating. The latest rumor “floated” is that Heinz corporation may not want to keep the naming rights to...

What are we seeing here? If the YaJagoff-estrator isn’t helpful, we will explain. Driver on the right, in the I’m-driving-a-big-truck-to-make-up-for-my-other-short-comings truck parked in a...

All that I know is that this parking sich is ALMOST perfect except for the complete lack of consideration for everyone else… unless of...

Today we are playing a game that we haven’t plaid in a while, “Jagoff or Not!” So this car, not a van, is parked...

  • Dryer Vent Wizard