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Don’t Be a Bad Motha Nature Jagoff!

Scott Harbaugh not a Jagoff for North Hills

Pittsburghers hate waiting in lines, waiting in traffic, waiting for packages, you get it.

North Hills senior class of 300+ waiting graduates are saying nah uh, we have the worst wait of all because we are waiting on an appropriate two-hour time frame to have commencement services between 7 p.m. today and WORST CASE sometime tomorrow.  Check out this waiting game: Commencement SHOULD begin at 7 p.m. tonight.  Ok, rain seems to be at a non-pouring status then, but while gram and pappy are filing into Martorelli Stadium it is not so clear.

But what if that rain happening while people are claiming their seats continues past the 7 p.m. hour and it rains cats and dogs during commencement? Then let’s consider plan B, Saturday at 9 a.m., which is the height of the Memorial Day weekend rainathon.  So howzabaht Saturday afternoon? Now we are getting into grad party territory because the ceremony should have been over. Shear ‘what if’ panic.  But, Pittsburgh has Scott Harbaugh!

The benefit of North Hills HS being minutes from Storm Tracker 11 is Scott! He has tirelessly calmed the water woes for a week now.   (Say that fast 3 times!) He has a way of weathering the storm with the soon-to-be grads, reassuring admin, and guiding a stadium of people to dryness for two hours. Mother nature do not raise your ugly head, well not at 7 p.m. tonight.  You will have many graduate moms on your tail, ya jagoff! Congrats North Hills Class of 2021!

  • SinBinKreations
  • dryer vent Wizard


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