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“F’ity, Eff, Eff, Mother Ef’ity” Derek Shelton

pirates derek shelton heated dropping f bombs

Last night, the Pirates’ manager, Derek Shelton was overheard dropping a few f’ity effs during the Tampa Bay Rays game.  We have certainly all enjoyed the Pirates while they have been on this season-opening win streak.  It certainly gives some of us a sense of “baseball beer muscles.” Skipper Shelton the same!

Disclaimer: we don’t understand all of the strategies behind the new pitch clock in the MLB but we DO understand that the Pirates have been very good at taking advantage of it in a smart way.

Kudos to you, Skipper, for sticking up for what you believe so passionately. We love the fervor.  We only have one compliant and it’s, admittedly self-serving: next time you get that mad, and you might be on an open mic, could you PLEASE drop a couple of “ya jagoffs???”  We would have been so #@#$% proud to here ya say,  “F’ity, eff, eff, mother ef’ity…… ya jagoff!”

See the video clip here if ya want!  Careful, it’s not safe for work!

  Credit: @JomBoyMedia

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