It’s not even Black Friday yet but we already have a Christmas Shopping Jag!!! Someone just didn’t seem to have enough spare time. in between texting, emails, phone calls, packing the car, to walk their cart to the old cart-herder thingy… which, by the way, is usually less than 10 parking spaces away from any other parking space.
The pic ALSO reminds me to ponder… are you a PUSHER or a WALKER? Meaning.. someone who walks their cart to within 4 feet of the cart rack and then shoves it like a madman OR someone who walks the thing the extra four feet and simply places the cart in it’s proper place? I guess it all depends on if you own your own cart or lease it!
Oh wait…maybe the carts are sponsored by MAACO paint and body shop! Merry scratch-and-dent-Christmas.
Hey… Cart-Pit-Bagger… (oh… that was a nice one) what kind of time would it take out of your self-absorbent busy day to put the cart where it’s supposed to be? And one other question, are you the same people that, when you were younger, you walked your milk glass or cereal bowl over to the dishwasher, but, instead of placing it IN the dishwasher, you placed the item on the counter, 5.46″ away from the dishwasher opening, Ya Jagoff???
Special thanks to StayAtHomeMammaLife on Twitter for the pic and for being our Honorary Jagoff Catcher today!!
Don’t Forget To Order Your T-shirt for Christmas.
Click the pic below to see the store.