Is this one of those new trucks that, can pop a wheelie and drive vertical? Nope! Does this look like your overweight uncle’s buttoned-down, button-whole-stressed shirt that’s too small for him and you’re afraid of getting hit with shrapnel if a button gives away? Yes! As one of my aunts used to say, this looks like 1O pounds of potatoes in a 5 pound sack! Those straps look more stressed than a security guard at WalMart on Black Friday 2-minutes before the doors open for the “limited supply” free TVs!
Dude.. we appreciate that you’re a modern day junk collector but…..we think ya need a bigger truck OR a buddy with another truck. But don’t worry, everyone was staying back, 1OO feet, just like the fire truck rules so that nobody suddenly gets a 4 x 4 vehicle in their windshield, Ya Jagoff!