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Driving Jagoffs

Sammy The Simple Scion Driver


What else has to be said?

This guy, pulls into the Wendy’s, the wrong way, then sits there whiles someone from the car runs into the Wendy’s and gets some food!!!!!!!!!!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hello?  This is like that Sesame Street song:

One of these things is not like the other.   One of these things just doesn’t belong!

Sure you can use the excuse that the driver is a little confused since we see a double-yellow line which SHOULD indicate two-way traffic but SOMEHOW indicates, for Wendy’s, side by side lanes heading the same direction.  But……….

Personally, I am pretty sure that this person is the SAME person that drives around most mall/plaza parking lots driving the opposite direction up and down each row and then has to make a 22-foot wide turn to get their car into one of the angled parking spots.

WAIT… perhaps we are being too judgmental… maybe this car is built the same as the Pittsburgh Subway cars… the driver simply switches the end of the car that he’s driving!!!

Hey Sammy-Scion… who seems to be Arrow-challenged..  we figured it out…. you’re in training for becoming an older man-driver that drives the wifey around all day.  You know, that  guy that pulls up to the curb in front of the store and put his 4-way flashers on “cuz I’m only gonna be a MINUTE!!!”  Yessss the famous MINUTE!

Either that orrrrrrrrrrrr, this guy is training the “ol’ lady”  for 40 years from now when he drops off the scrapbookin’ Mrs. at the front door of Michaels and then gets himself and the car into  the “Quick Response” position, where like all older guys, pull to a corner of the parking lot and  then sleep in their car while he Mrs. is shopping .. only to wake up like a firefighter and speed to the front door, like they had NEVER been sleeping, when the Mrs. comes out with her arms full of glue sticks and stamps!

So hey, Sammy Scion, I realize it may take ya an extra 1.5857 minutes to park how the REST OF US HUMANS DO (who also have important things to do) but, how about squeezing that future-hobby-supply-rig IN BETWEEN some of the PARKING lines  next time, YA JAGOFF!

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