Rohrich Automotive group has stayed true to its core values during the inventory shortage, having spent decades focused on business practices and refusing to serve our clients in any other way, inventory shortage or not. So, for anybody looking for a new vehicle, not looking to pay more than they should, talk to a Rohrich Automotive representative today or visit for all of your vehicle needs.
How do you pronounce the new Heinz Field name change?

3:51 John Burwell
Mayor of Picklesburgh for 2021-2022, John Burwell makes his comeback to the juice drinking stage from Shaler. He talks about technique, style, and his competitive nature to win; using practice rounds with water and drinking with little dribble, right around the 10 second range.
8:00 Jeremy Waldrup
President and CEO of the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, Jeremy Waldrup dodges the pickled spillage and spills the tea on Downtown’s vibrancy and innovation coming out of the pandemic. Who closes the 10th street bypass? Jeremy can!

14:58 Jalen Franko
TikTok famous chuggernaut Jalen Franko has close to 1 million followers due to his unique, questionably inhuman ability to chug liquids at lighting speed. Coke, Sprite a deal with Mountain Dew, and now pickle juice, he talks about his self-fulfilling prophecy from chugging apple juice with his competitive brothers at a young age. It’s this Wisconsin native’s first time to Pittsburgh and…..
26:07 John Shumway
Acupuncture as the new stadium name??? KDKA John Shumway and veteran journalist with more than 30+ years in the biz, talks about his colorful career, the connecting community of Pittsburgh by our three rivers, and love of Picklesburgh. From raising kids here to the perks of PNC Park, John is a 412 fan through and through.

45:55 Cayuga Centers of Allegheny County
As a nonprofit for more than 170 years and counting, Cayuga Centers has officially opened in Allegheny County to spread its simple mission: to provide foster families and children with psychological, medical, and educational support. They are a broader thinking foster care organization including diversity and acceptance of all family forms.
Find daily #Jagoffs posts at
45:55 Cayuga Centers of Allegheny County: As a nonprofit for more than 170 years and
Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership: @DowntownPitt (Facebook) @downtownpitt (Instagram) @DowntownPitt (Twitter)
Pittsburgh Pickle Co. @PittsburghPickleCo (Facebook) @PghPickleCo (Twitter) @pghpickleco (Instagram)
John Shumway: John Shumway KDKA (Facebook) @KDKAShumway (Twitter) @kdkashum (Instagram)
Jalen Franko: @jalenfranko (TikTok) Jalen Franko (Facebook) @JalenFranko (Twitter) @jalenfranko (Instagram)
Jeremy Waldrup: Jeremy Waldrup (Facebook) @jtwaldrup (Instagram) @jwdtpitt (Twitter)
Cayuga Centers Allegheny County: @CayugaCentersAlleghenyCounty (Facebook) @cayuga.centers (Instagram) @CayugaCenters (Twitter)