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Grocery Store Jagoffs

The “I’ll Just Leave This Here” Jagoffs

We haven’t had a grocery store jagoff for quite a while. Click here to see some of the previous Grocery Store Jagoffs blog posts.

In the meantime, if you’re familiar with Twitter and Facebook, you know the overused phrase “I’ll just leave this here.”  It’s a phrase usually associated with posting a controversial or funny pic and then said picture’s post starts a lengthy thread of comments.

So, this pic is the epitome of the phrase, “I’ll just leave this here.” Someone decided that they were hungry for a healthy, tasty treat while at Giant Eagle.  Guessing they didn’t think that they could make it through their grueling shopping trip without some basic form of  sustenance so they gnawed on some fresh watermelon.

This is the Instagram message that came with the photo:

Someone ate watermelon slices in the store and put the package on the shelf far away from the produce department. These two watermelon slices are probably less than $1.

Who DOES that?? Better yet, who walks around the grocery store gnawing on a slice of watermelon. Every time I eat watermelon the juice rolls down my forearm to my elbow. Did they steal napkins and or wet wipes too?

First..if I was gonna snack at a grocery store, watermelon would NOT be my snack of choice. I’d be all about high-end dark chocolate candy bar.

Second, I have heard about walk-around-tacos but, I have never thought of a walk-around-watermelon snack.  It’s kind of brilliant … healthy….except for the STEALING and leaving your junk behind part! Before you steal anything else, and we know that you will, ya might want to go back to “burglar school” and do some remedial work on NOT LEAVING EVIDENCE BEHIND part…. Ya Jagoff!

Thanks to kflaherty86 for the pic and for being today’s Honorary Jagoff Catcher!

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