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Proof That Football IS A Religion In Pittsburgh (And Roger Goodell IS The Devil)

On Christmas Day, we received this picture along with this tweet:

Heya @YaJagoff, a little xmas holiday @steelers + @SteelerAddicts love in West View for @jharrison9292

The photo and tweet were from an ExPat, current Boston resident, that was visiting for the Holiday.  We HAD to do something with this photo so here it is.  In case it isn’t apparent, Jesus, The Reason For The Season, is nicely tucked away in a manger up next to the house.  In the meantime, the handmade sign, blaming Rogee Go-Ta-Hell, The Reason For The Season Of UN-Reason, for making the NFL too soft!

Some of the traditional conservatives might say, this resident should get a Jagoff post for making the “Roger Sign” the focus instead of the manger scene.  But we see it another way… we ENJOY any opportunity to verbally beat the NFL Commissioner about the head, neck AND face!  So let’s have at it.

Rogee-babeeeee, Self-appointed-King-of-Kings-Who-can-now-afford-to-shower-himself-in-gold-frankincense-and-myrrh-And-probably-has-even-more-wealth-than-all-Christian-churches-due-to-the-random-fines-placed-on-Steelers-let-alone-other-NFL-teams, if we showed you a picture of the manger scene, you would probably flash some photos of your OWN baby pictures of you, as an infant, wrapped in swaddling clothes with people surrounding you who had been co-erced to pay a $10 cover charge and a 2-drink minimum to show up and catch a glimpse of YOU— the future Messiah of the NFL.  Surely you were THAT full of yourself even as an infant because your level of egotism and self importance HAS to be innate vs. a learned trait.

Roger, every good religion needs a “bad guy” and, in Pittsburgh, our FOOTBALL RELIGION, has you officially listed as the master of “all that is dark and evil.”  Hoping you’ll be proud of your legacy when you are FINALLY the commissioner of the Don’t-really-grab-just-lightly-brush-by-the-flag Football League, Ya Jagoff!


Thanks so much to Twitter Follower, Carol Beggy, for sending us this pic and being our Honorary Jagoff Catcher for this post.


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