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Help Cousin Lisa Help the Lemieux Foundation, YaJagoff!

Cousin Lisa supports the Lemieux Foundation year-round, but she tries to give back a little more this time of year with unique fundraisers to pay homage to the organization that helped her and has helped so many.

“Being a cancer survivor, I thought it would be a great opportunity to give back to others who have and are going through the same things that I have experienced. Beating cancer is not just an individual effort it’s a team effort. Together we can make a difference,” she said.

Cousin Lisa is Rachael’s cousin and dear friend of the podcast, each year we create a fun way to donate to the foundation.  Join the jags as we host Let’s Make Deal YaJagoff at The Block Northway right outside the famous Row House, near and dear to CL (Cousin Lisa.)

Expect unique prizes for playing Let’s Make a Deal, including the most uniquely dressed….yes dressing up is encouraged, just like the game show! Potluck food, bevs, and chances to win gift certificates and cash are included in the $25 ticket, plus basket raffles to benefit the Lemieux Foundation.

See you at 7 p.m. on October 12 at the Block Northway, yajagoff!

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