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Grocery Store Jagoffs

Jant Iggle Jagoff

So I stop into the McKnight Road Giant Eagle (Jant Iggle if you are from Pittsburgh).  This is the sign just above the “customer service” desk – ya know, where the customers are supposed to get “service.”  Unfortunately, by the looks of the sign, there are too many services.

Unfortunately, by the looks of the line I was in and the ONE, very nice, senior citizen lady working the “customer service” desk my hypothesis is proven correct!!!

They offer waaaaaaaaaaaay too many services – EZ Pass, Gift Cards, Bus Pass, Wire Transfers.  What’s missing from the list – TIMELY SERVICE!

I’m thinking I am going to write my State Rep and ask that a bill get passed regarding the ratio of extra-service-workers in relationship to the number of extra services offered at grocery stores.  Seems important to me!  MAYBE I CAN EVEN GET ON THE NEWS!!!!   We can pass a rider on the bill stating that Bank Tellers are not allowed to go to lunch at lunch time, WHEN I AM AT LUNCH TRYING TO USE THE BANK!

So Giant Eagle, according to the Pittsbsburgh Business Times book of lists, your the #5 employer in the area.  How about 3 more employees at the McKnight Road location!!!

If I wanted to spend THAT much time in your store I would submit a resume. If yer gonna offer that many services, how about a few staff members to PROVIDE THEM, Ya Jagoffs!!!

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