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Wrong Way On Purpose Jagoff

A Netflix filming was underway on the McKees Rocks Bridge, so rest assured route 65 was a parking lot leading up to the closure, as in cars at a standstill.

Like the other 412 vehicles crawling along, we (well Jawn) had a few choice words and hit the steering wheel in annoyance.  I mean we all kinda knew the closure was happening, just didn’t know traffic would be that bad that quickly. Plus, I am sure there were a few rubber neckers way at the front wanting to spot a celeb.

Bill the bailer didn’t care. He did a three point turn on the incoming ramp of route 65 to go the wrong way for his exit.  Legit turned his jeep around, at a reasonable speed, proceeded up the down ramp to get out of the traffic congestion. Like if the speed limit was 40 he hit it.  No gingerly creeping up the down ramp. Nothing discreet here.

Turn on the radio, listen to a podcast, but don’t bail the wrong way, ya jagoff!

  • SinBinKreations
  • dryer vent Wizard


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