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Driving Jagoffs

Truck Goin’ Up Hill Jagoffery

There we are!  Iconic Jagoffery.

Coming out of the Fort Pitt Tunnel (an iconic beehive of Jagoffery on a regular basis) and there’s the truck. Trying shift gears. Just sauntering up the I-376 hill.  Yep, hard to tell from the pic but it is a hill. Oh, but there’s plenty of room to NOT be in the passing lane but the driver chose not to take that option.

Ya know how your 185lb dog sometimes thinks they’re a lap dog? Well, this truck driver thinks it’s a Maserati. “I should be HERE.. right HERE!”

No you shouldn’t! Get out of everyone’s way while you work your way through the 2,320 gear changes. Oh… but wait.. as we got closer, the truck had an Ohio license plate!  Now THAT explains everything, YaJagoff!

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