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Young Jagoffs

This Is A Test. This Is ONLY a Test!

What is photo number one?

a) Photo of Pittsburgh’s Gateway Clipper Fleet

b) The 1979 World Champion Pittsburgh Pirates

c) A rock climbing wall

d) All of the above

(Hang in there with me, it gets tougher.)

What is photo number two?

a) Photo of Pittsburgh’s Gateway Clipper Fleet

b) The 1979 World Champion Pittsburgh Pirates

c) A fence that is used to protect you and keep you away from something harmful

d) All of the above

CLEARLY, the answer is C because.. well, the answer is always C.  Also, clearly one if these is meant for climbing and one is NOT… especially when it’s at the top of a really steep hill that over looks the City of Pittsburgh AND, when you look down over it, you notice there is nothing but rocks, trees and a REEEEEEEEALLY long fall below you!

(I am currently singing that Sesame Street song, “One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong.” )

So here’s the story from the Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Kristi Laura Demel, 20, climbed over a railing at the West End Overlook (photo #2 above), walked onto large rocks, slipped and fell about 20 feet to the hillside below. (Click HERE for full story.)

My dear Kristi, life is gonna get even MORE challenging when you turn 21 an actually start to drink regularly – which will cause you to make some regrettable decisions.  The only way to avoid those future traps is to get in to good habits NOW of OBEYING RULES AND BOUNDARIES…ya know, manners, respect for property, etc. etc.  So the next time ya see a fence, you might want to respect that someone put it there and give yourself the benefit of the doubt that it WAS NOT PUT THERE just because someone like Andy Warhol thought it would look nice!

One other note Kristi, while you are laying in your hospital bed recovering and contemplating whether or not you should get an attorney to support some crazy claim that the fence should have been higher or that there should have been a bigger sign on it warning people to NOT CLIMB on it, review my simple quiz above just in case you take a trip, in the future, with your friends to the Grand Canyon, YA JAGOFF!!!!

Question for you Kristi:  just how much of a better view did you think you would get by doing that?  Do you ALSO believe that you should suntan on the roof of your house so that you can be closer to the sun?

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