Parking chair! Wake up! You have ONE job, and not to overly harp, but Pittsburgh kind of made you who you are and this is the thanks? A repSIT?
This was the day of rest: Sunday, sure. The sun was hot, okay. The parking lot nearby was full so maybe you were making a point? Point taken. But, parking chair, you are not just any ‘thing’ used to reserve a space. If that were the case you’d be an ugly orange cone.
Yinzers made you who you are, the epitome of holding a parking space, and this is the thanks we get? You are not known as the Philly Parking Chair, or NY Spot Saver, I mean look you even get capitalization: The Pittsburgh Parking Chair. Last point, you are on OUR beer can; a local celeb I’d say. Get it together parking chair(s), there is no laying down on the job, ya jagoff!