Today’s Blog Post by Rach!
Local news share some trending stories, after all, Pittsburgh is only so big and only so much happens within a specific radius during a day to be declared as trending. So, it should be no surprise that weather is gonna be trending and gonna be similarly reported. However, as Pittsburgh slowly becomes the mirror image of Seattle with our rain intake, these meteorologists are tasked with finding unique ways to deliver the soggy news every. Single. Day. And they have all accepted that challenge.
Case in point, our pal Ray at KDKA, well he is a lyrical master getting the bad news out faster. That is right, if he is not using his wit and humor with his forecast in the form of a Babushka Cast, he lets that hard-to-take weather woe hit us with wit to soften the blow.
WTAE plays it vanilla. Call it as they see it. No frill, no fluff, just plain Pittsburgh: home of the landslides and flood warnings. Now our friend at WPXI, Scott, he is showing us the harsh reality in diagram comparisons like every damn hour. His hard truth that we are up 7 inches on rain against the average just stinks. But what are you gonna do? The trending news in Seattle, people? Weather is in the middle of the pack, like fourth or fifth story. Pittsburgh? The IT topic on every station.
The cute puns and clever intros definitely help water down the water woes in Pittsburgh, and the tell-it-like-it-is mentality is appreciated as much as the diagrams, but it needs to come to an end. Quite frankly, we are worried for the meteorologist safety. Some schools start back mid-August. Sandcastle and Kennywood only have so many prime days left. Outdoor events are must-haves to complete the summer Pittsburgh traditions. These weather people are in real danger if the weather doesn’t start looking up. So, consider this a plea, mother nature. Periodic rain is fine, but not this constant stuff. Stop the trend in Pittsburgh, we are not Seattle, ya jagoff! I mean, ma’m.