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Is “Sorg” a Jagoff ?

garbage can jagoff

There’s this Pittsburgh couple, wonderfully known as “The Sorgs.”  You may not know them but, those of us in the blogging, video, digital media circle, known them as a very sweet, couple that will help pretty much anyone with almost anything.. as long as it’s legal.  We have used Mike Sorg, known as Sorg, for live videos and complicated podcasts. We always poke fun that NOTHING rattles Sorg. Any tech glitch-sitch that comes up during a live broadcast, Sorg calmly walks people through the problem.

Missy, Sorg’s wife, is a sweet as pie.  Again, falls into the category of helping whomever whenever. When this blog first started, Missy was wonderfully helpful in making introductions to other helpful folks.

So imagine our shock when we see this post on twitter:

Haaa.. can’t even imagine “sweet Missy” saying that but we also have posted our own frustrations of numerous family members who don’t know how to handle, changing the garbage bag, emptying a full garbage bag, putting garbage IN the bag, etc. Sorg, you’re always so helpful when we need you but.. we gotta go with your wife… put a bag in the can… Ya Jagoff!


NOTE: “The Sorgs” are really awesome. You should follow their company SideKick Media!


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