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Where Ya at YaJagoff

From Vikings to Mars: Two Must-See Events at Carnegie Science Center

Looking for something fun to do this month? If so, you’re in luck because some amazing events are happening in the city that you won’t want to miss. Today’s Where Ya At? highlights two exciting exhibits at Carnegie Science Center: VIKINGS: Warriors of the North Sea and Mars: The Next Giant Leap.

Let’s start with VIKINGS: Warriors of the North Sea. This exhibition allows visitors to see over 140 authentic Viking artifacts, including a full-size replica of a Viking boat. The exhibition takes you back to the Viking Age, a time of colonization, conquest, and plunder, and the establishment of towns with trades, specialized crafts, professions, and communication networks.

The exhibition also covers the displacement of the old pagan faith of Scandinavia by the Christian Church and the centralization of power that led to major changes in society and an entirely new social structure.

VIKINGS: Warriors of the North Sea is only in Pittsburgh for a limited time, so don’t miss out on this unique and fascinating experience. You’ll learn about the Vikings’ way of life, battles, and beliefs while viewing incredible artifacts that bring their world to life.

Next up is Mars: The Next Giant Leap. This groundbreaking permanent exhibition gallery at the Carnegie Science Center is the most ambitious new experience in the center’s history. The exhibition is supported by lead sponsors Howmet Aerospace Foundation and the PNC Foundation and takes visitors on a 300-million-mile journey to Mars.

You’ll learn about the many facets of space exploration and explore relevant, contemporary issues that surround space exploration, such as how to establish a new society on Mars, who gets to go to Mars, and what governance on Mars would look like.

Through this 7,400-square-foot Mars exhibit and its supporting programs, you’ll explore how issues of sustainability, climate change, social justice, and equitable access to resources can shape humanity’s future. The Science Center surveyed the local community and industry professionals to ensure that the exhibition is relevant and exciting.

Mars: The Next Giant Leap is included in general admission to the Carnegie Science Center, making it accessible to everyone. The exhibition is perfect for visitors of all ages interested in space exploration and the future of humanity.

Whether you’re interested in history, science, or just looking for a unique experience, VIKINGS: Warriors of the North Sea and Mars: The Next Giant Leap are not to be missed. So pack your bags, book your tickets, and get ready to explore the Viking Age and the future of humanity on Mars!

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