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YaJagoff Blog

That stands for River of the Year!  Yep us yinzers can claim another accolade, and there is nothing we love more…other than fries on sammies and sport championships that lead to yinzer parades.

So now we can add the Allegheny River to our list of boastful Pittsburgh things. But we put our jag specs on to read this tidbit a little closer:

The historic Allegheny River starts as a stream in Potter County, meandering through a field of wildflowers before crossing briefly through New York and then through six counties in western Pennsylvania.

Starts as a stream…pfft. I can hear yinzer whispers from county to county not liking that. What constitutes a stream? Our streams bleed black and gold. Our streams were made of steel. You get it.

Be a proud jag, embrace it. After all, we love a win, and we got this one. Visit and appreciate all of our rivers, and yay for the Allegheny.  Congratulations, ROY, Ya Jagoff!

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