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Driving Jagoffs

8-Year Old Drives Drunk Dad Home

This is another one of those, “WHAT MAKES SOMEONE THINK THIS IS OK” posts!!!!  Apparently this lady has the only PA Drivers Guide with a typo in it!

You can click here for the TribLive version of the story but the summary is:

*  Frank allegedly assesses that he has had too much to drink.

*  He then ALLEGEDLY rationalizes to himself that it’s PERFECTLY FINE to let his 8-year-old son jump in the car and help daddy out by driving the car and daddy home. (HECK, she drives the Kennywood Park Turnpike ride like a CHAMP!)

*  The end result was NOT the optimum result but PROBABLY the EXPECTED result – some damage to the family truckster, an emotionally traumatized little boy and dad proving why adults should need a license to take care of kids (smile for the mugshot daddy!)

Franky – let’s think of a few alternatives to your decision that you might have made:

1)  Find another licensed driver to drive you home

2)  Wait for the other driver while you even enjoy another drink

3)   Go the next day and pick up your car at the VFW …with another licensed driver.

4)   Take a series of selfies of yourself giving noogies to other bar patrons.  I guarantee someone would have found you a way home!

We can just see it now when the boy is 16, “Hey dad, remember that one time when….uhm….. NEVER MIND!”  And then there’s ten more years of “Mommy, can I go with dad to….uhm .. NEVER MIND!” And you can just hear her at Kennywood Park, “Whaddaya mean I’m NOT tall enough to ride the bumper cars, I did this FOR REAL, buster!”

Franky, if by any chance you are a dump truck driver, helicopter pilot or a bulldozer or crane operator, PLEASE stay home on “Take Your Child To Work” Day, YA JAGOFF!

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