40:40 Rachael starts the roast with some kind words. The podcast roast will be edited, scrubbed, cleaned and sterilized before we can post that potty-mouth event!
SPONSOR: Total Sports Enterprises, your black and gold resource in Pittsburgh, has been the proud main sponsor of the Ya Jagoff podcast for most of 2017. TSE has to bid farewell to the grid iron season, but wants you to gear up for the spring draft or TSE’s private signing opps with Steelers past and present. Stop in at the Mall at Robinson or visit TSE shop.com for all of your black and gold must haves. After all every day is game day at TSE
Find daily #Jagoffs posts at www.YaJagoff.com
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How to Follow Everyone on Twitter:
Produced at talent network, inc. @talentnetworktv
by the Pittsburgh Podcast Network @pghpodcast