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The YaJagoff's

John Chamberlin and Rachael Rennebeck are Pittsburgh jagoffs (the term of endearment version of jagoff of course) who cofounded YaJagoff Media, LLC. With decades of experience eating, drinking, shopping, living and being among yinzers, we birthed the Pittsburgh-centric company encompassing all things related to the 412, oh and the 724.

Welcome to our regular Saturday feature “What Aggravates Me” by Comedian John Knight Twas the day after Christmas, the house is a mess How...

Welcome to our regular Saturday feature “What Aggravates Me” by Comedian John Knight People tend to be nicer to each other around the holidays....

Welcome to our regular Saturday feature “What Aggravates Me” by Comedian John Knight This column was intended to be about my service on jury...

Welcome to our regular Saturday feature “What Aggravates Me” by Comedian John Knight Let me just say it’s been a strange and trying year....

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